PowerHouse® 4GL

Customer registration form.

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PowerHouse® environment information

Please complete the following fields for all PowerHouse® installations. Specify all Hostname(s) and its related PowerHouse® license, version and build, operating system, and hardware model and serial.
  • Hostname: displayed using 'hostname' command on Windows, UNIX and Linux. For OpenVMS, using 'SHOW NETWORK' will display the TCIP/IP node name which is the hostname. Hostname and Hostybyname can also be displayed using the current 'powerhouse_display_PLATFORM_v2' program for a specific platform.
  • PowerHouse® Version & Build: displayed using any of these commands - 'pdl version' , 'quick version' , 'quiz version' , 'qtp version'.
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Axiant® environment information

Please complete the following fields for all Axiant® installations. Specify all Hostname(s) and its related Axiant® license, version, operating system, and hardware model and serial.
  • Hostname: displayed using 'hostname' command on Windows.
  • Axiant® Version; go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Locate the UNICOM Axiant 4GL program and view Version column.
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